Monday, 24 October 2011


Today I am just grateful to be here. I type these words knowing that no-one 'cept me would probably read them; however they need to be said. Perhaps cosmic forces have aligned themselves such, perhaps they have made me sappier than usual, but it needs to be said that life is a gift. Not the sort of gift that you return in exchange for store-credit, but it is a currency in its own right.

Spiritually, I have felt empty of late, numbed by self-pity, and have felt that my soul has been neglected. But today I realise how important my life actually is - even if I don't take it seriously, I get the sense that life's meaning is pervasive. Today I feel it penetrate the core of my being. I am here. Perhaps it is because the forces external to me have helped me find some value in my life, or perhaps these are forces of my own creation, manifested by some fancy of my consciousness. I mean, why today? Why is it this day that relinquished the despair, when everything else in my life remained constant? Is it mere alignment, or is it the yearning, the calling of something much deeper than that entity which brings about my desires, thoughts and actions?

Could I capture the sentiments of this day; harness the beauty I've seen today for tomorrow, when surely it would evade me? Or should I expect tomorrow to be a better day, and insodoing, live that very essence? Who knows - tomorrow will be a journey of rediscovery in its own right.

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